MATERIALS (required by March 19th)
Sketchbook, unlined paper 8x10” or larger 5-10
At Least 25 Sheets of 11x17 Tabloid Size Paper (purchase from copy store)
Pad of Gridded Paper, ¼” box. 6
Drafting or masking tape 6
Architect’s Scale (one side is labeled with the number "16" and the rest have fractions (3/16)
Engineer’s Scale (labeled 30, 40,50,60... )
Good quality 18 “Ruler (preferable metal) 8
Compass 13
30, 60, 90 Degree right triangle. 4
45 Degree right triangle. Some of these are beveled for use with ink. 4
Lead Holder 8
( Lead Hardness: Hard: 4H- 9H, Med: 3H, 2H, H HB B Soft: 2B-7B) 1.25 each
White Plastic Eraser 1.20
Sand paper for sharpening pencils. (purchase from hardware store)
tackle box or easy way to store material free-10
T Square 18” or longer 12
Drawing Board: At least 16x21 masonite board with clip, 8
Optional/later in the semester:
Drafting Pens. 3+
Plasticine Clay 5