Homework #3
Oblique Drawing of Your Object
Homework #3 : Oblique Drawing of Your Object DUE by Class #4
Use an 9x12” sheet of grid paper.
Draw the front face of the object first (Take care in choosing the side that gives the most information about the form).
Then extend the right side of your object at a 45 degree angle. (all lines parallel to the ground plane on this side will also be 45 degrees).
This is a "cavalier" oblique projection, so you will attempt to make the right side width true to the actual object. (see attached image)
If you are having trouble, try simplifying your object as one or more large cubes.
If it will fit, draw the object at 100% its actual size (each grid square is 1/4" inch)
If you object is small, draw it around 2-times the actual size, so that it will take up most of your page.